The EULAR 2025 Congress will take place at the Fira de Barcelona from Wednesday, 11 June – Saturday, 14 June 2025.
Our organising committee have created a scientific programme that covers both common and rare rheumatic diseases in diverse and exciting session formats, showcasing recent research in the Basic and Translational tracks to real life case studies in the Challenges in Clinical Practice Sessions. Delegates will have the opportunity to practise vital skills in our Hands-on sessions and discuss with our renowned speakers in the Meet the EULAR Expert sessions.
Our programme incorporates sessions dedicated for our EULAR Communities. Sessions dedicated to People with Arthritis and Rheumatism in Europe (PARE), Health Professionals in Rheumatology (HPR), Paediatricians (Paed) and the Emerging EULAR Network (EMEUNET) will feature prominently.
EULAR 2025 Scientific Programme (online)
EULAR 2025 Scientific Programme (downloadable)
Please note that the current programme does not include abstract sessions, poster tours or views. These will be updated in due course.
Our dedicated EULAR 2025 Congress Committee is made up of 31 members from across Europe and beyond. The Congress Committee is led by Prof. Daniel Aletaha, EULAR President, with the help of Prof. Christian Dejaco, Scientific Programme Chair, and Prof. Bimba Hoyer, Abstract Chair. Our members come from all areas of Rheumatology, including clinical and research, the HPR and PARE communities as well as specialists from Education, Paediatrics and Quality of Care. Amongst our European based members, we have overseas advisors who share their insights from Colombia, Kenya, the USA and Australia.
The goal of the EULAR 2025 Congress Committee is to create a diverse and comprehensive scientific programme showcasing novel clinical and research developments across the whole spectrum of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.

Prof. Christian Dejaco
Scientific Programme Chair
Director of the Department of Rheumatology of the South Tyrol Health Trust, Italy

Prof. Bimba Hoyer
Abstract Chair
Professor for Rheumatology and Immunology in Kiel and Cologne, Germany
Opening Plenary
An opening session from the EULAR president featuring award giving and updates from the year.
WIN (What-is-New) and HOT (How-to-Treat) sessions focus on latest developments in any clinical field, presented by leading experts. These sessions usually feature just one speaker.
Clinical Science
Invited lectures and embedded abstracts, built around a theme interesting and appealing to a broad audience of clinicians and researchers.
From Bench to Bedside
Sessions with 3 invited lectures covering basic, translational and clinical aspects around a common theme, plus selected abstracts.
EULAR Debates
Sessions built around a controversial topic starting with votes from the audience followed by two opposing lectures and a final vote.
EULAR Projects
Sessions with invited lectures aimed at updating on ongoing EULAR supported projects and committees activities.
Invited lectures and selected abstracts focusing on fields of interest of HPR.
Sessions with lectures covering innovative topics in rheumatology or sessions with an innovative and stimulating structure.
EULAR Highlights
A session summarising the most important and newsworthy novelties of the annual congress in one 90-minute presentation at the end of the congress.
Challenges in Clinical Practice
Sessions with lectures built around two clinical problems in rheumatology. Each problem is introduced with a case-presentation by a junior and worked out by a discussion by a field expert.
EMEUNET Presents
Invited lectures and selected abstracts on cross-sectional or educational topic or theme in its broadest meaning attracting young rheumatologists.
Basic and Translational Science
Invited lectures and selected abstracts covering a basic or a translational topic
Meet the EULAR Expert
Small groups of delegates can informally discuss with subject experts. The experts will briefly introduce the topic of interest and then moderate an open discussion.
Invited lectures and selected abstracts focusing on interests of people with RMDs.
Delegates have the opportunity to learn and practise a hands-on skill with feedback from tutors in smaller groups.
Practical Skills Lectures
Experts present and discuss skills that delegates may implement in their daily practice. These sessions may feature some audience interaction in a larger group.
Sessions of common interest that feature speakers from a range of EULAR communities.
Current timing is subject to change. All timings are CEST.
The EULAR 2025 Programme will include sessions for each of our different EULAR Communities.
For further information, please visit their pages:
If you have any questions regarding the scientific programme that we haven't answered here, please email us at
Our programme is available to view here. Please note that this programme is subject to change. Please note that the current programme does not include abstract sessions, poster tours or views. These will be updated in due course.
The EULAR Congress App will be available a week before the Congress.
Yes, the majority of our scientific sessions will be recorded and available on our On-demand Platform after the Congress, until 31 December 2025. All on-site registrations include access to our On-demand Platform.
Please note that Meet the EULAR Expert and Hands-on sessions will not be recorded due to the size of these session rooms.
All our scientific sessions are proposed by our Congress Committee members. Our Congress Committee is made up of 31 members from across Europe and beyond who aim to have a diverse and comprehensive programme.
The access rights depend on the registration category. Depending on the local law of the host country, the access rights vary from one year to another. Please see the registration page (coming soon) for further information.