Licence Agreement between the Author(s) of the Abstract and the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR)

Copyright Ownership of the Abstract

The author(s) of the abstract submitted to EULAR (hereinafter “Abstract”) retain their copyright in the Abstract or, if copyright is vested in the author(s)’s employer, the author(s)’s employer.

Subject to the terms of this License Agreement, each author retains the right to use the Abstract for their own commercial and non-commercial purposes, as well as to create derivative works, without permission or payment from EULAR. Each author shall, in connection with any use of the Abstract, fully acknowledge and attribute the original publication of the Abstract (“This Abstract has been accepted for publication by the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR). The definitive copyedited version is available online at:”).

Each author agrees not to license for commercial purposes any of the rights in the Abstract or any part of the Abstract. Each author agrees to promptly refer any third-party requests for a licence of such rights to EULAR.

Author(s)’s Grant of Rights in the Abstract

Each author hereby grants to EULAR the following rights, together with the right to sublicence to its publisher, effective from the date on which the Abstract is accepted:

1.      the non-exclusive right to publish, reproduce, display, reformat, adapt, distribute and otherwise use the Abstract, or any part of the Abstract, for any purpose, in print, electronic and all other media (whether now known or later developed), and to prepare derivative works, in any form, in all languages, throughout the world, for the full term of copyright;

2.      the non-exclusive right to license the Abstract to third parties for commercial and non-commercial purposes;

3.      the right to enforce the rights granted herein against third parties.

In addition, each author grants to EULAR the right to apply the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial Works 4.0 International License (“the CC BY-NC License”) to the Abstract where the Abstract is published on the Congress, the EULAR’s Websites, in the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases (ARD) and/or EULAR’s publisher’s platforms on an Open Access basis. Full details of the CC BY-NC License are available at

The abstracts are published as open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Full citation should be given to Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, including the full DOI and references. Permission for use other than allowed under the licence terms must be requested through Elsevier B.V. (

Author(s)’ Grant of Rights in the Recording of the Abstract Presentation

Each author herby grants to EULAR the same rights in the recording of the Abstract presentation as they do in the Abstract. EULAR and/or EULAR’s publisher shall apply the same end user license to the Recording of the Abstract Presentation.

Author(s)’s Representations

Each author hereby represents that

1.       the Abstract submitted is original and has been written by the stated author(s) and the author(s) are either the owner of the copyright or are entitled to enter into this Licence Agreement.

2.      the Abstract and the Abstract presentation and research data do not infringe any copyright, violate any other intellectual property, privacy or other rights of any person or entity, or contain any libelous or other unlawful matter.

3.      the author(s) are the legal and beneficial owners of the rights granted herein and the Abstract is not subject to any prior rights or licenses which conflict with the terms of this License Agreement.

4.      they are not identified as a Specially Designated National (“SDN”) and if any of the authors reside in Russia, Belarus, Iran, Cuba or Syria the Abstract has been prepared in a personal, academic or research capacity and not as an official representative or otherwise on behalf of the relevant government or institution.

5.      if any personal details or images of patients, research subjects or other individuals have been used, all written and fully informed consents required by applicable law have been obtained and evidence of such consents has been retained, and the authors have complied with EULAR and/or EULAR’s publisher’s policies relating to the use of such materials. See for further information.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This License Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, without regard to conflict of law principles, and the parties irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at the registered seat of EULAR.


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